King Lionheart the Valiant by MichellesZoo
Leos are warm and generous people who touch the hearts of friends and admirers. They always search for a loyal partner who will love and care for them faithfully. And are very protective towards their partners, family, and friends (the pack).
Modern Family Tree by CustomSepia
Aglow Painting Modern Abstract by devikasart When it comes to work and life Leos are very dedicated people. Their idea of being appreciated is not money, but the treatment and admiration from others. They are extremely hard-working, loyal and driven for success.
Forest Flurry Hand Painted Silk Georgette by MuseSilkPaintings
Man Your Still Waters Run Deep Bowl by Anuart
Leos do have a playful side and can be "kids at heart". They truly enjoying the small, beautiful moments of life.
Happy Birthday handstamped Lion Card by QuirkynBerkeley Famous Leos include: Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Bill Clinton, Halle Berry, Lucille Ball, Ray Bradbury, Emily Bronte, Beatrix Potter and Charlize Theron.
This is the 7th post in our series of Astrological signs by Sophie n Me