Friday, November 28, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Weekly Giveaway on the Gift Guide!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
CCCOE Member Studio Tour: Featured Artist-MyFriendRoze
You want me to tell you where babies come from? When a man and woman love each other.... I'm originally from Buffalo, NY but I went to Parsons School of Design in NYC for sculpture. While I was there I learned some jewelry making techniques from my Aunt Marge who lives in Philadelphia. After school somehow I got sucked into the music industry for several years and had no time for jewelry (well I made it as often as I could in my "spare" time). So about a year ago I quit and started traveling around the world and when I came back I began making jewelry in earnest. Wish me luck!
Where do you work? Show us your space please!
What is your favorite tool?
Ball Peen hammer... I want a new smaller one though my dapping block is a close second and now disc cutter. oh wait that's three...
What time of the day are you the most productive/inspired? I work early in the morning/late at night (which sometimes overlap) but I think I might be the most PRODUCTIVE in the midafternoon.
What inspires you?
Everything... I can't focus, I see bubblewrap and I think I want to make pendants out of that, and then I see a tool I like and I want to try that, I look in a book and I want to try that, a friend comes over and tells me about something and I want to try THAT, I go to a store and I want to use the color I see on the wall, I buy a vintage magazine and I want to have a retro feel... blah blah blah,
How do you promote yourself and your shop?
Through CCCOE mostly- on other peoples blogs, on facebook and myspace, through my family and I started doing craft fair
How long have you been on Etsy?
Since April 29th, 2008
What else do you enjoy doing other than creating?
Wine tasting, and eating.
What would you like to see happen/change with CCCOE?
More meet ups
What is your favorite thing about CCCOE?
Meeting all the new people and making new friends
What is your favorite food?
Food in general
Favorite book or movie?
I love movies and books how can I pick a favorite?
I love the 1981 french film Diva and I am presently reading "when you are engulfed in flames" by David Sedaris
One thing you absolutely cannot live without?
Food and water, my dog, my credit card wait that's four...
Lastly what piece that you have created is your favorite and why?
I don't have an all time favorite- because everytime I make something that actually comes out right I love that one- right now I liSunday, November 2, 2008
CCCOE Member Studio Tour: Featured Artist-The Chainmaille Lady
Tell us a little about yourself and how it all began.
I have been pretty crafty all my life. My mom was extremely crafty, she was always creating something, paper mache’, painting, throwing pots, and macramé. My mom and I each entered a collage in the local craft fair and I took home first prize and mom took home second! I think it had something to do with me being a kid : ). At our local park they were always giving free classes in knitting, crocheting, and various other crafts and mom made sure I attended all of them. So ultimately I have “many talents”. I knit, crochet, cross stitch, Swedish weave, bobbin lace, needlepoint, and hardanger. In 2003 I entered two items I had made, a Swedish weave blanket and a hardanger wall hanging into the L.A. County Fair. The blanket won third place and the hardanger won first!
Where do you work?
Well, I have a bedroom that has been converted into my "studio" which is very nice but I do most of my work in the living room on my swivel chair.
What is your favorite tool?
My Lindstrom pliers made in Sweden . What time of the day are you the most productive/inspired?
Usually right before I go to bed, I will think of something I could create and then I can't sleep! I have to stay up until I either get it down on paper or actually create it!!! What inspires you?
Everything. Sometimes I sit out on the back porch and just stare at the wonders of nature. Other times I'll be watching T.V. and I will see something that will trigger my creativity. My husband is great source of inspiration. He is very helpful when I am bouncing ideas off him, he usually will help me to name some of my pieces. How do you promote yourself and your shop?
One place is at the weekly Farmers Market & Craft Show where I have a booth. I love to talk about my jewelry and give demonstrations as to how it is made. People really appreciate the information. I wear my jewelry and always have business cards on hand to give out. I have a few The ChainMaille Lady T-shirts I wear. I use Flickr, Twitter, Blogspot, Kijiji, Craig's List and have also joined a couple of Etsy Teams.
How long have you been on Etsy?
Since May of 2008
What else do you enjoy doing other than creating?
Spending time with my husband and my little Chihuahua Miss Gizmo. Visiting with family. What would you like to see happen/change with CCCOE? What is your favorite thing about CCCOE?
The members and the weekly thread. The Yahoo Disgest is good to because I can keep up to date on the group.
What is your favorite food? Taquitos from Pepe’s Favorite book or movie? Grease One thing you absolutely cannot live without? Chocolate and milk. Lastly what piece that you have created is your favorite and why?Saturday, November 1, 2008
CCCOE November Happenings
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Studio Tour Interview Questionnaire's
Monday, October 20, 2008
CCCOE Holiday Gift Guide
Friday, October 10, 2008
LoriDelisle Presents a New LIFE Collection!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
CCCOE Member Studio Tour ~ Featured Artist: Wrenay Charlton
Sunday, October 5, 2008
October Monthly Challenge Theme...
Vote for this Month's Monthly Challenge.
CCCOE October Happenings
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
2008 Indie Collective Holiday Shopping Guide - Accepting Advertisers
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Publication of Event Photos

CALL FOR ENTRIES: Article Submissions
Sunday, September 7, 2008
CCCOE Member Meet-Up
September Monthly Challenge Theme
Friday, September 5, 2008
Promo Swap Call!!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Vote for this Month's Monthly Challenge.
CCCOE September Happenings!
Enter this Month's Monthly Challenge.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Off Etsy Tools and Information for Your Shop
The goal of LetsEts is to provide a suite of free tools to make the lives of Etsy sellers easier. In addition to the Google Base formatter, some of the features we're working on include:
- Statistics to help you analyze your sales and listings
- Dashboard and Yahoo widgets to monitor new sales.
- A bulk lister
Monday, August 11, 2008
SoCal Bench Project Wrap Up!!!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
West Coast Wednesday Sale brought to you by CCCOE!!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
CCCOE July Happenings
vibrant and fabulous group for the month of July.
(which will start July 1) no later than midnight July 18, since voting will begin
on July 19 and run through the 26th.
*Lauren of The ChainMaille Lady sells her gorgeously intricate designs weekly
at the Covina Craft Fair & Farmers Market, every Friday night from 5-9pm at
Civic Center Park 400 N. Citrus Ave
*July 12-13: Wrenay of Shopwhimsy and Wrenphoto will be selling at the fabulous
RenegadeCraft Fair in San Francisco.
*July 12: Handmade Brigade in Cerritos, CA at TallMouse. Jen of Porterness
Miriam of MiriamDema and Amanda of AmandaKLockrowJewels will be there with 20 vendors
selling their wares.
*July 19:Elena of ElenaMary is participating in the GLOW Festival in Santa Monica
from 7pm to 7am. Visit the website:
Dave Quick and Elena have created 7 assemblage structures mounted
on backpacks with huge glowing koi fish floating from each assemblage. They
will have a parade from Palisades Park to the end of Santa Monica Pier at
10:30 and at 11pm there will be a concert by Arthur Nakane a one man
band, who they have hired to perform for our project which is called SOLAR
KOI. Hope to see some of you there!
*July 19 & 20: Nina of PrettyCheap Jewelry will be at Pirate Days at the Ventura Harbor on behalf of the Buenaventura Art Assoc
*July 26: Nine of PrettyCheap Jewelry will be at theVentura Mini Fair (next to the Farmer's Market)
3 Winning Tips - How To Boost Sales on the Internet
How’s your shop promotions going? If you’’re having fun it will show. If you want to key down a little and get serious, this is last tip is for you.
Subscriber Mailing Lists- I once read on a guerilla marketing article (yes, you can call me a frugal, money saving subversive now) that the 2 main reasons people use the internet are for (a) email; (b) news. If you get into a person’s email box you have it made! Why do you think there are so many spam programs out there?
So you need a mailing list for potential customers. How? Well, I do it without spending much of course.
Start your mailing list in person. Put out a sign up sheet at every craft fair you vend and get names by giving out small goody bags ('Free Goody Bag for Joining!') filled with samples of your work, candy, or whatever you ingeniously think up! Tell them what it’s for, “A once a month, or if I’m not too busy, twice a month email”. Most people will agree to that. Our team does a promo swap every few months, contact for the promo swap schedule. These items are really nice for goody bags.
Collect subscribers on-line. Put an incentive in your Etsy shop announcement for folks to join your mailing list! (Free gift w/purchase for joining for example?). And every time you make an on-line sale, ask the customer if they want to be added to your mailing list. You can possibly post announcements to your new internet groups but only if they allow low key soliciting.
Now use that list! Send out specials to subscribers at least monthly, including coupons, Sneak Previews, where you are going to be for the next show and more. I do a simple, no cost email mailing without an attachment (many spam filters will see an attachment and into the junk pile you go). There are also fee programs that manage mailing lists.
Now go get ‘em and see you on Etsy!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Say hello to your new secretary, LaveMeSoap!

Angela makes every bar in small batches in a home that uses natural cleaners and recycles everything possible.
She is originally from Ohio and moved out to CA in fall of '06. She moved here to fulfill her dream of living in this gorgeous place...and when she accomplished that, she had to create another. She is a dreamer at heart.
To keep up on what's new and fabulous in her soap world you can always visit her blog.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The SoCal Bench Project - August 9th
Sunday, May 11, 2008
3 Winning Tips - How To Boost Sales on the Internet
by Nina Danza,
You’ve joined some internet groups, post on other sites of your target market, and get google alerts of where folks are finding you, right? Good! Now attract them to your shop.
What’s in a Game. You saw the 'Name that Tune' and ‘Which Doesn’t Belong’ treasuries I ran. Etsy registration is still expanding exponentially and treasuries are a really easy tool to get folks to come to you with minimal effort on your part. I gave a virtual gift certificate to the person(s) who answered correctly and got a sale.
Sale from Game Promotion
But don’t forget your new non-Etsy visitors. They don’t know a treasury from an ‘X’ on the ground. Hide a puzzle in your item titles, item descriptions, item pictures or anywhere else you want the visitor to go. Make it fun and easy! Tell visitors to favorite your shop for future games if they don’t win.
NOW YOU’RE COOKING: Be sure to remove any aspect of chance in your game (with or even without purchase required) due to Etsy site rules. Give EVERYONE who gets the answer right a prize. Give the game deadline and any other fine print, such as ‘one prize per address’. This article has some good advice on the legal stuff.
Use a theme.
Themes really help folks remember the reason they are playing!
--Mother’s Day? Find the 6 famous Mother’s in my photos!
--Summer Vacation? Discover the 12 California Landmarks in my item descriptions!
--July 4? Tell me which items contain the words of the first line of the Declaration of Independence!
What other games can you think of? Do you like word scrambles? Trivia? Humor is a huge sales technique just ask (but that’s the subject of a whole nother article!).
Now go notify your new groups about your game!