The California Crafters Club of Etsy (CCCOE) is a group of independent artists, crafters, & artisans from California who sell their wares on

Friday, November 25, 2016

Instagram Scavenger Hunt

Remember scavenger hunts? Someone gives you a list of odd items, and you go out and find them. The first person (or team) to return with the most items the quickest wins the game.

But now we have Instagram, so there's no reason to bring the items back to anywhere...

Wanna play?

Below is the list of things to photograph and post to Instagram. Use #CCCOEhunt so I can tally points and #CCCOEchallenge to be a part of the November (and into December) social media games (and the challenges that I've been posting since August).

Each item is worth 5 points. The first person to photograph and post the item gets 10 points.

You may combine as many items from the list into one picture as you wish, but you'll only get one first credit per shot. Make sure to indicate which item(s) on the list your picture is of. I may or may not recognize it, especially if you go very arty. (But please, do go arty. That's half the fun.)

The list:
  1. An item for your shop "in progress" 
  2. Your work space
  3. A new listing
  4. An order in the process of being packed up for shipping
  5. A shot from a craft show/marketplace (doesn't have to be your items)
  6. One of your items on/with a person
  7. A repost from another CCCOE shop
  8. Using the black & white filter
  9. The moon
  10. Water
  11. A rainbow
  12. A holiday display
  13. A yellow traffic light
  14. A tree
  15. A wild bird
  16. Your/your friend's pet
  17. A parking lot
  18. Something red
  19. A post-it note
  20. A hand
Good luck!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Facebook Tag

The purpose of social media is interaction. It's a conversation held in public. But, those of us who attempt to use social media to get attention to our shops find that our efforts bring us no benefits. Why is that? Could it be that we're not really interacting?

So, let's interact. What better way to interact than to play a game?

You've been tagged.

Did you follow a link to this post via someone writing on your timeline? Then you've been tagged. Welcome to the game. 

Step 1: On the timeline of the person that tagged you, you can post anything you wish. (Just remember to keep it professional!) Is there an item you wish to highlight? Or perhaps just a link to your shop. Post a photo, tell a joke, or just thank the tagger for including you. (A like for their page might be nice as well.)

Step 2: Tag someone else.
Choose any team member. Like their Facebook page. Then, on their timeline, tag them. (Include a link to this post so they have access to the rules.)

And that's it. If you wish, you can tag more than one shop. Have fun with this. Happy tagging.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Twitter Attack

One way to promote your business is to engage on social media. And instead of costing you advertising dollars, it'll just cost you time. There are all sorts of venues to explore. I've mentioned several of them on this blog in the hopes that you would find one (or more) that you like and engage.

Going on social media and posting "look at my stuff" all the time is the quickest way to get ignored. So, instead of those stogy posts, let's play a game.

I call it Twitter Attack. Anyone can play. All you need is a Twitter account. You can even sign up just to join in.

Step 1: As this is a team event, you'll need to follow the team. I've compiled a list of CCCOE members here. (And you might want to follow me, too.)

I tried to follow the whole team and add them to the list, so if I missed your Twitter account, let me know and I'll include you.

Step 2: Create a Shameless Blatant Promotion tweet. Make sure to use a picture. Include a link. And use #CCCOEchallenge so we can find you.

Step 3: Promote a fellow CCCOEers shop and/or item. For bonus points, talk to them directly--ask a question, pay a compliment, etc. And make sure to use #CCCOEchallenge.

Step 4: Retweet any #CCCOEchallenge tweet.

Step 5: The Attack. To another CCCOEer, "prank call" them. If you're old enough to remember prank calls, you remember the silly jokes. Put it in tweet form and attach their twitter handle. (Feel free to hit me up: @ZiziRho, or the team: @CCCOE.)

If you don't remember prank calls, feel free to just tell a joke. Or make some random comment or observation--the more random, the better. (But keep it nice. This is a promotional event after all.) Use #CCCOEattack so we can all enjoy the fun.

Some Twitter tips:

  • There are several 3rd party apps to help you manage your tweets and lists. Buffer is a way to schedule tweets to post all day without you having to be on Twitter all day.
  • Add pictures to your tweets. A great image is more likely to entice someone to click on a link.
  • Be yourself. People prefer to read tweets of real things written by real people. 
  • Talk to others. If someone asks a question, answer. If someone tweets something that you have a response to, do.
  • Join Twitter chats. Check out trending topics. Almost daily, someone is doing some pun or other. Feel free to join in.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Would You Like to Play a Game?

Welcome to November. Here's where the things start to ramp up for the holiday season.

Last month's Promote-a-thon was a dud. I blame myself. I was down with a cold towards the beginning of the month, and the rest of the month I was playing catch up for all I missed while I was down with the cold.

But it's a brand new month with new possibilities. And I thought we'd do something fun.

Would you like to play a game? Or rather, multiple games? Social media games?

To begin, make sure you're connected:

The first game is starting soon.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Stitches-to-Stones, September Challenge Winner

Our winner for September's Challenge with 191 points was Stitches2Stones. Let's learn a little more about her...

1. Tell us about your shop.
My boutique is a collection of handknit accessories and jewelry. Lately I’ve focused on using rocks and natural stones, and working with wire.

Turquoise Stone Necklace | Wire Wrapped Pendant on Copper Chain
Turquoise Stone Necklace

2. Why did you open it?
I've been crafty forever, but I initially started wire-knitting jewelry pieces and saw a market for them on etsy. However, the process was really hard on my hands. I went back to knitting with softer fibers, but had collected enough jewelry-making tools and supplies that I began repairing and then making my own jewelry. A friend then asked me to re-create a cairn necklace for her, and that took me in a whole other direction that I find really fulfilling.

Cairn Necklace | Stacked Ombre Beach Pebble Y Necklace | Non Metal, Kid Safe Gift
Cairn Necklace

3. How do you create your items?
Right now my favorite supplies are beach stones and crystals. Jewelry items are a collision of expanding stash, experimentation, and inspiration. I tend to work in spurts, as I imagine many creative people do. I only knit in cooler weather, which seems more and more rare here in LA.

Lavender Loop Scarf | Light Purple Hand Knitted Chunky Cowl
Lavender Loop Scarf

4. What is your workspace like?
Most of my knitting happens in a special chair, away from the dogs after the kids are in bed. In temperate weather I take my jewelry stash outside – especially the rocks and natural stones – and concoct new pieces while my youngest plays in the yard. The rest of the time I’m at a standing workstation in my studio. It always looks like my stash has exploded to some degree, but that mess sometimes helps spur some of the most creative pieces.

Spider Necklace & Earrings Set | Bronze, Copper, Gunmetal Creepy Charm Necklace
Spider Necklace & Earrings Set

5. What advice would you give to someone just opening an Etsy shop?
I’m still a baby seller (or maybe a tot…coming up on 200 sales) but here are a few things that would have saved me some time and stress. If you sell items, try to take nice pictures, outside, in the early evening just before sunset. Use your most flattering photos first and last in your listings. Use a hook at the end of your listings (last one, one of a kind, while supplies last, limited offer, or how the item will make customer feel) and either put effort into keyword loading or spend some money on advertising. And finally, customer service really is key.

Long Ornate Gold Vintage Dangles | Antique Golden Brass Earrings
Long Ornate Gold Vintage Dangles

6. Where can we find you?

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

located in Citrus Heights, California


I make rainbow sun catchers because Rainbows Make Me Happy! I hope they will make you happy too as the refraction's dance about your home when the sun hits them and creates gorgeous dancing rainbows! 

Beautiful Magical Dancing Rainbows! Create Rainbows today with your own Swarovski Crystal Rainbow Suncatchers...handmade by Kat.
Making Rainbows Since 2006!

I use 100% top quality Swarovski Crystals to create beautiful crystal rainbow suncatchers! I use the finest supplies I can find to make my suncatchers! 
I am a small business hobbiest and do this for therapeutic reasons and because.... I love Rainbows, the Sun, Moon and Stars and yes even Puffy Fluffy Clouds Make Me Happy! I hope that you will find something you love and know that it is being created with great love and meticulous care just for you!............

My Suncatchers were featured in the 2008 Women's World Magazine.
Sun catchers for your rearview mirrors in your car and homer.

Swarovski Crystals are the finest crystals in the world and the beauty and quality is unmatched. 

Krystal Kat's shop online find me also at:

See my about me page for more places to find me!

Thank you for visiting with me I really appreciate it! 

Have a Sparkly Day Cute People!


 $25.95 Emerald Green Leaf Rainbow Crystal Suncatcher
Emerald Green Leaf Rainbow Crystal Suncatcher

Monday, October 10, 2016

September Challenge Final Scores

(c) Mishele of IndyAndCleo
September ended 10 days ago, so it's well past time to update the final tallies. For the September Challenge:
Which makes our winner for the month of September Stitches2Stones. Congrats. 

Coming soon, more challenges for the October Promote-a-Thon. Have you joined in?

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The October Promote-a-Thon

(c) Mishele of IndyAndCleo
Welcome to October and the new challenge for the team. This month it's all about promoting our shops as well as the shops of our teammates to have the biggest holiday season we've ever had. 

Wanna join? This month it's dead simple. You can: 

Promote your shop 

On the social media outlet of your choice, show off your shop in any way you wish. Use #CCCOEchallenge so that we can find you. And let us know about your post in the comments here.

Promote teammates items and/or shops 

On the social media outlet of your choice, show off something from a teammate. Or two. Or more. Again, let us know via #CCCOEchallenge, as well as in the comments.

Share and Like 

Don't have time to create your own social media content? Reshare others'. Even likes help teammates gain visibility. Check out the comments here to find what to reshare. Or check out #CCCOEchallenge to find posts on the social media outlet of your choice. 


If you want to play along, let us know in the comments of this post what you've done. 10 points for each original post, whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blogs, or any other outlet of your choice. That's 10 points for posts about your shop or any fellow teammate. 

Reposts are worth 5 points. Likes are worth a point. Again, let us know in the comments if you're playing along.

Happy October. And happy promoting (and cross-promoting). 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

The September Challenge Week 4

(c) Mishele of IndyAndCleo

How does your shop look? Are you stocked up?

For the month of September, I'm challenging you to work on filling your shops. And what about those items that have been sitting and not selling for ages? Perhaps it's time to refresh those listings so buyers see them with new eyes.

Another thing you can do to show team spirit is to help promote your fellow CCCOEers. Do you have a large Twitter following? Do you have a blog that needs content? Stuck for things to add to your Facebook timeline? This is a chance to share the spotlight with others who may have items your followers might enjoy.

Don't have the time or energy to come up with things to share on your own? Check out #CCCOEchallenge on your favorite social media platform and reshare or retweet. Even a "like" helps with visibility.

These are the main components of the Challenge. When you complete any, post them in the comments thread of the "September Challenge Entry Post". I'll tally the points weekly. Winner(s) have the option of being featured in a future blog post.

Each week there will be a Special Challenge. As this is the last week of the September Challenge, it's time to look forward to October. October's going to be less of a "challenge" and more of a promote-a-thon. And, of course, the blog is going to need a graphic to go along with this.

For this week's Special Challenge, I'm asking for you to submit a graphic for the October Promote-a-Thon. It'll be featured at the top of each Promote-a-Thon post for the month. Winner will be determined by popular vote. Get your graphic to me by Tuesday, September 27th so that there's time to vote before October. I look forward to seeing what you all come up with.

Points Possible:
  • New listings: 15 points
  • Revamped listings: 10 points
  • Sharing on Facebook (use #CCCOEchallenge): 7 points
  • Sharing in a blog post: 7 points
  • Sharing on Twitter or Instagram (use #CCCOEchallenge): 5 points
  • Resharing from Facebook, retweeting from Twitter, or resharing from Instagram: 2 points
  • Liking #CCCOEchallenge posts: 1 point 
  • This week's Special Challenge: 10 points for entering, 10 more points to the winner
Make sure to leave all entries the comments thread of the "September Challenge Entry Post". We'd love it if you'd join us.

September Challenge Entry Post Week 4

(c) Mishele of IndyAndCleo

All entries for the September Challenge for the first week (September 22nd - 30th) need to be added to the comments for this post only. (Entries not submitted here have a very good chance of getting missed.)

For a new listing in your shop...

NEW LISTING: [with the link; e.g.]

For a revamped listing...

REVAMPED LISTING: [again with link; e.g.]

For a social media posting... 

SHARED: [with the link; e.g.]

(Note: you can copy the link to a tweet by clicking on "..." at the bottom of the tweet, then "copy link to tweet". For Facebook, click on the down arrow in the upper right hand corner, select "embed", and copy that link. For Instagram: click on "..." at the bottom of the post, select "embed", and copy that link.)

For reshares or likes... 

RESHARED: [with number of posts; e.g.] 5
LIKED: [with number of posts; e.g.] 10

For this week's special challenge: Convo me directly so you can send me the image.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Kim Owner of North Pine Vinyl

Est. April 21, 2014
Located in Macdoel, California 

I am a single, stay at home Mom that has been crafting and sewing all of my life. I began crafting as a teen with my mom and sisters and have continued to develop my creativity throughout the years. I enjoy the process of designing a keychain, a wipes container, or the transformation of a baby bib into a unique, keepsake very exciting. I am very involved with 4-H and my love of animals shows through in many of my designs. I offer a wide variety of quality items at affordable prices as well as exceptional customer service. 

Your happiness with shopping at North Pine Vinyl is the primary goal. My shop is unique in the items I offer as well as the personal detail that goes into each order. The details start with the designs and follow all the way through to the pretty packaging that your order arrives in. I hope you enjoy your time in my shop and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Baby Girl Outfit-Newborn Girl Shower Gift Set-Baby Girl Coming Home Outfit-Baby Girl Embroidered Outfit w/ Bib w/ Burp Cloth-Bow Bodysuit

Baby Girl Outfit-Newborn Girl Shower Gift Set-Baby Girl Coming Home Outfit-Baby Girl Embroidered Outfit w/ Bib w/ Burp Cloth-Bow Bodysuit $30.00

Monday, September 19, 2016

September Challenge Second Week Tallies

(c) Mishele of IndyAndCleo

There's still another week and a half to go on the September Challenge. Join us. There's still time.

Go to the Challenge Post to learn what to do to enter. Make sure to post your entries in the Entry Post (so I can find them). If you entered but don't see your points here, make sure your entry was posted as a comment in the Entry Post.

Points (earned through Sunday the 18th):

Monster showing by Stitches2Stones:

Green Turquoise Cairn Necklace | Smooth Stacked Stone Pendant on Dark Brass Chain
Green Turquoise Cairn Necklace by Stitches2Stones

And some of our other entries this week: 

Handknit Lace Shawl Scarf Neckwrap  - Blue and Tan with Crystals
Handknit Lace Shawl by ohmay

Dog Travel Laundry Bag, Dog Themed  Laundry Bag, Dog Lover Vacation Laundry Bag, Pet Lover Drawstring Bag, Dog Drawstring Laundry Bag
Dog Travel Laundry Bag by AnnieKDesigns

And remember, liking and resharing earns points, too. (Make sure to post this in the comments of the Entry Post.)

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The September Challenge Week 3

(c) Mishele of IndyAndCleo

How does your shop look? Are you stocked up?

For the month of September, I'm challenging you to work on filling your shops. And what about those items that have been sitting and not selling for ages? Perhaps it's time to refresh those listings so buyers see them with new eyes.

Another thing you can do to show team spirit is to help promote your fellow CCCOEers. Do you have a large Twitter following? Do you have a blog that needs content? Stuck for things to add to your Facebook timeline? This is a chance to share the spotlight with others who may have items your followers might enjoy.

Don't have the time or energy to come up with things to share on your own? Check out #CCCOEchallenge on your favorite social media platform and reshare or retweet. Even a "like" helps with visibility.

These are the main components of the Challenge. When you complete any, post them in the comments thread of the "September Challenge Entry Post". I'll tally the points weekly. Winner(s) have the option of being featured in a future blog post.

Each week there will be a Special Challenge. This week I'd like to see your workspace. A picture of your workshop, photography setup, or anything to do with the products you have in your shop. (For a knitter like me, that's my comfortable spot in front of the TV.) Share it on any of your social media outlets (or on your shop update) for 3 extra points added onto the usual "share" points.

Points Possible:
  • New listings: 15 points
  • Revamped listings: 10 points
  • Sharing on Facebook (use #CCCOEchallenge): 7 points
  • Sharing in a blog post: 7 points
  • Sharing on Twitter or Instagram (use #CCCOEchallenge): 5 points
  • Resharing from Facebook, retweeting from Twitter, or resharing from Instagram: 2 points
  • Liking #CCCOEchallenge posts: 1 point 
  • This week's Special Challenge: +3 points
Make sure to leave all entries the comments thread of the "September Challenge Entry Post". We'd love it if you'd join us.

September Challenge Entry Post Week 3

(c) Mishele of IndyAndCleo

All entries for the September Challenge for the first week (September 15th - 21st) need to be added to the comments for this post only. (Entries not submitted here have a very good chance of getting missed.)

For a new listing in your shop...

NEW LISTING: [with the link; e.g.]

For a revamped listing...

REVAMPED LISTING: [again with link; e.g.]

For a social media posting... 

SHARED: [with the link; e.g.]

(Note: you can copy the link to a tweet by clicking on "..." at the bottom of the tweet, then "copy link to tweet". For Facebook, click on the down arrow in the upper right hand corner, select "embed", and copy that link. For Instagram: click on "..." at the bottom of the post, select "embed", and copy that link.)

For reshares or likes... 

RESHARED: [with number of posts; e.g.] 5
LIKED: [with number of posts; e.g.] 10

For this week's special challenge:

SHARED WORKSPACE: [insert link here]

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


May Oh Owner of OhMay

Est. July 1, 2007
Located in San Francisco, California

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ ♥ My passion is knitting and my creations are beautiful, fun and functional. I have been knitting for decades and I love to knit "freehand" and without using patterns. My designs are originated from two needles, some yarn and a passing thought. I love to design as I knit and see it warp into something fabulous. Eventually, it becomes more "planned" and into a written pattern.
I have a 2nd shop where I am selling my overstock of supplies. You can get some knitting and sewing supplies at a great price.
I have moved some of my patterns to a 3rd shop, If you are a knitter and want to make one of my designs for your own, check out OhmayDIY....

Monday, September 12, 2016

September Challenge First Week Tallies

(c) Mishele of IndyAndCleo
Have you joined the September Challenge? No worries if you haven't. There's still time.

Go to the Challenge Post to learn what to do to enter. Make sure to post your entries in the Entry Post (so I can find them). If you entered but don't see your points here, make sure your entry was posted as a comment in the Entry Post.

Points (earned through Sunday the 11th):

Some of the entries thus far... 

Greek Copper Seashell Dangles | Rustic Handmade Swirls & Shells with Aqua Patina
Greek Copper Seashell Dangles by Stitches2Stones

Thursday, September 8, 2016

The September Challenge Week 2

(c) Mishele of IndyAndCleo

We have a new image. Special thanks to Erica of DeepBlueNotion and Mishele of IndyAndCleo for entering the special challenge for the first week of September. It was a tough call as both made excellent graphics. But the winner is Mishele (as you can see by our new graphic above). 

For the month of September, I'm challenging you to work on filling your shops. What about those items that have been sitting and not selling for ages? Perhaps it's time to refresh those listings so buyers see them with new eyes.

Another thing you can do to show team spirit is to help promote your fellow CCCOEers. Do you have a large Twitter following? Do you have a blog that needs content? Stuck for things to add to your Facebook timeline? This is a chance to share the spotlight with others who may have items your followers might enjoy.

Don't have the time or energy to come up with things to share on your own? Check out #CCCOEchallenge on your favorite social media platform and reshare or retweet. Even a "like" helps with visibility.

These are the main components of the Challenge. When you complete any, post them in the comments thread of the "September Challenge Entry Post". I'll tally the points weekly. Winner(s) have the option of being featured in a future blog post.

Each week there will be a Special Challenge. This week we're going to pull in Pinterest. Create a board of your fellow CCCOEers. Share it to social media. Follow teammates boards. A good way to start is to check out the team page or the "Show Your Handmade Creations" thread.

Points Possible:
  • New listings: 15 points
  • Revamped listings: 10 points
  • Sharing on Facebook (use #CCCOEchallenge): 7 points
  • Sharing in a blog post: 7 points
  • Sharing on Twitter or Instagram (use #CCCOEchallenge): 5 points
  • Resharing from Facebook, retweeting from Twitter, or resharing from Instagram: 2 points
  • Liking #CCCOEchallenge posts: 1 point 
  • This week's Special Challenge: 
    • Create Pinterest board: 7 points
    • Sharing board on social media: same points as "sharing" above
    • Follow teammates boards: 1 point
Make sure to leave all entries the comments thread of the "September Challenge Entry Post". We'd love it if you'd join us.

September Challenge Entry Post Week 2

(c) Mishele of IndyAndCleo

All entries for the September Challenge for the second week (September 8th - 14th) need to be added to the comments for this post only. (Entries not submitted here have a very good chance of getting missed.)

For a new listing in your shop...

NEW LISTING: [with the link; e.g.]

For a revamped listing...

REVAMPED LISTING: [again with link; e.g.]

For a social media posting... 

SHARED: [with the link; e.g.]

(Note: you can copy the link to a tweet by clicking on "..." at the bottom of the tweet, then "copy link to tweet". For Facebook, click on the down arrow in the upper right hand corner, select "embed", and copy that link. For Instagram: click on "..." at the bottom of the post, select "embed", and copy that link.)

For reshares or likes... 

RESHARED: [with number of posts; e.g.] 5
LIKED: [with number of posts; e.g.] 10

For this week's special challenge:

PINTEREST BOARD: [with link (so we all can find it); e.g.]
SHARED: [with the link, as above]
FOLLOWED: [with number of boards followed; e.g.] 7

Monday, September 5, 2016

August Challenge Final Tallies

As promised, the final tallies for August...
  1. AnnieKDesigns: 150 points
  2. BeadFashionDesigns: 145 points
  3. IndyAndCleo: 140 points
  4. Tie: OceanAvenueSilks & NansGlam: 100 points
  5. cserpentDesigns: 50 points 

Only IndyAndCleo added a couple promo tweets in those last couple weeks: 

(If I've missed anyone, let me know.)

This closes out the challenge for August. AnnieKDesigns is the winner with 150 points.

Missed out? Make sure to join our September Challenge

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The September Challenge

August is now over as is the August Challenge. How did you do? Did you have a chance to join in? (A post with the final tallies for August will appear in the next week or so.)

Now it's September, and it's time to really buckle down and get our shops ready for the holidays. How does your shop look? Are you stocked up?

For the month of September, I'm challenging you to work on filling your shops. And what about those items that have been sitting and not selling for ages? Perhaps it's time to refresh those listings so buyers see them with new eyes.

The other thing you can do to show team spirit is to help promote your fellow CCCOEers. Do you have a large Twitter following? Do you have a blog that needs content? Stuck for things to add to your Facebook timeline? This is a chance to share the spotlight with others who may have items your followers might enjoy.

Don't have the time or energy to come up with things to share on your own? Check out #CCCOEchallenge on your favorite social media platform and reshare or retweet. Even a "like" helps with visibility.

These are the main components of the Challenge. When you complete any, post them in the comments thread of the "September Challenge Entry Post". I'll tally the points weekly. Winner(s) have the option of being featured in a future blog post.

Each week there will be a Special Challenge. For this week, it's the graphic for the Challenge. As you can see, the current graphic is just a rehash of August's graphic. We need something a lot snazzier.

Come up with a better graphic. Please. Everyone who submits will receive points, with the final winner (determined by me) getting a bonus as well as the joy of seeing their design adorning the remaining September Challenge posts.

Points Possible:
  • New listings: 15 points
  • Revamped listings: 10 points
  • Sharing on Facebook (use #CCCOEchallenge): 7 points
  • Sharing in a blog post: 7 points
  • Sharing on Twitter or Instagram (use #CCCOEchallenge): 5 points
  • Resharing from Facebook, retweeting from Twitter, or resharing from Instagram: 2 points
  • Liking #CCCOEchallenge posts: 1 point 
  • This week's Special Challenge: 10 points for entering, 10 more points to the winner
Make sure to leave all entries the comments thread of the "September Challenge Entry Post". We'd love it if you'd join us.

September Challenge Entry Post

All entries for the September Challenge for the first week (September 1st - 7th) need to be added to the comments for this post only. (Entries not submitted here have a very good chance of getting missed.)

For a new listing in your shop...

NEW LISTING: [with the link; e.g.]

For a revamped listing...

REVAMPED LISTING: [again with link; e.g.]

For a social media posting... 

SHARED: [with the link; e.g.]

(Note: you can copy the link to a tweet by clicking on "..." at the bottom of the tweet, then "copy link to tweet". For Facebook, click on the down arrow in the upper right hand corner, select "embed", and copy that link. For Instagram: click on "..." at the bottom of the post, select "embed", and copy that link.)

For reshares or likes... 

RESHARED: [with number of posts; e.g.] 5
LIKED: [with number of posts; e.g.] 10

For this week's special challenge: Convo me directly so you can send me the image.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Nan Owner of Nans Glam

Est. May, 2008
Located in Los Angeles, California

Hi! My name is Nan. I was born and raised in Southern California. Prior to retiring, I worked for the Postal Service managing the Engineering Department and teaching quality processes throughout the organization. I am married with two wonderful grown children and two fabulous grandchildren; all living local. They keep me busy and very happy. 

I enjoy working with different metals, beads and gemstones. I am a softy for the classic and romantic designs such as hand knotted pearls, so I will always offer those pieces in my shop. I spend most of my free time in my studio with music flowing, beads spread out and doing what I am passionate about; creating jewelry. 

******You can also find me here:
• Facebook:
• Twitter:
• Flickr Portfolio:

I tend to over stock way too many beads so find extras here in my destash shop:

Saturday, August 27, 2016


Meet Kathleen Owner of Vintage Encore
EST. February 2008
Located in Los Angeles, CA

Vintage Encore specializes in one of a kind designs from recycled vintage linens.

Kathleen - Owner, Maker, Curator 
Dress Clothes Pin Bag/ Vintage Day of the Week / Wash on Monday Clothespin BagI have been sewing all my life, and come from 3 generations of seamstresses. I love all things vintage and have been going to flea markets and estate sales for many years. Sewing and "hunting " are THE most fun!

Combining sewing and vintage
I chose the name "Vintage Encore" because my mission is to re purpose the vintage linens, that I have collected over the years, in a new and serviceable way.
I combine them with new fabrics, in my own patterns, to make totes, aprons, clothes pin bags, etc.
Etsy provides another outlet for my one of a kind items, in addition to participation in my local craft shows. It's all good!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


EST. April 2009
Located in Coto de Caza, California

The story of IndyAndCleo . . .
When I was a little girl, a handmade sock monkey was given to me as a gift. I fell in love. ❤
Many decades later, my beloved childhood friend sits, still smiling that sock monkey smile, and I am reminded of all the fun and delight we shared. 
Today my love continues. I have been inspired to follow my bliss, handcrafting my own lovable and quite huggable sock monkeys. Each sock monkey I create is truly a personal work of art, and colorful decorative stitching is part of my very own "signature sock monkey style". I enjoy creatively writing the mini bio for each monkey, which is included on the Adoption Certificate. Really now, who doesn’t love a sock monkey? Here's hoping they will provide a lifetime of hugs and happiness!

My husband John, is a Graphic Designer & Illustrator, with an avid interest in fine art, especially oils and watercolors. I have featured some of his art prints (my very personal favorites) here in the shop.
Visit his Etsy shop: and read his About page for details on the new book! Discover even more info at ...this website is seriously outstanding!
By the way, the shop name (IndyAndCleo) is inspired by our love for two of the most loved dogs EVER! . . . Indiana Jones and Cleopatra. ❤ View and purchase their "pawsome" portraits here in the shop!
Of course, IndyAndCleo is filled with many delightful and charming handmade creations, therefore—
❝ All kinds of cool stuff... ❞ 
I hope to make you smile! 
Sock monkey hugs,
~ Mishele

Saturday, August 20, 2016



Vintage toys, photos, postcards, buttons & more

Est. July 2008
Located in Tucson, Arizona

I come from a long line of hoarders, um..ah, I mean, collectors, yeah, that's the ticket, collectors. Collectors & recyclers who love vintage items & have a tough time throwing *good stuff* away. 

My mother still brings me random bits & bobs she finds in thrift shops or on her walks, hoping that I can transform them into some other treasure. Every "thing" still has some kind of useful purpose.

Personally, I'm never going to create everything I dream of making, so I hope to lighten my load so that I can move to Maui. 

I'm parting with collections that have been passed down & items I've acquired to "create" with. 

Perhaps in this lifetime, I'll be free.  Owner Allie

(◕ ᴥ ◕)
O(")‿(")O¸,:•: •*¨¨*•.,¸¸,:•:❀ Vintage goodies, toys, photos & buttons:

Friday, August 19, 2016

Challenge Fourth Week Tallies

We still have a little over a week to go in August. There's still time to join the challenge:
  1. A new listing in your shop (50 points)
  2. Revamp an old listing in your shop (25 points)
  3. Promote others in the challenge on one or more social media platforms (10 points) 
Tag your new or revamped listings on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter using #CCCOEchallenge. Tag your promotion of others as well. Or post your new listings as a comment on this post. And next week I'll have updated point totals for everyone.

Only one new entry, a promotion post to Twitter:

The point totals as of now:
  • AnnieKDesigns: 150 points
  • IndyAndCleo: 110 points
  • OceanAvenueSilks: 100 points
  • NansGlam: 100 points
  • BeadFashionDesigns: 145 points
  • cserpentDesigns: 50 points 
There's still time to participate. Come on and join us.